Samsung has unveiled a new NP700 Laptop, which have Intel Ivy Bridge platform. The New Samsung NP700 is equipped with 16GB of RAM, two 1TB hard drives, and a GeForce GTX 675M graphics card with 2GB of dedicated memory, blu-ray drive, Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, a 7-in-1 card reader, 2-megapixel webcam, four USB and HDMI ports. It is support for Intel WiDi technology, which allows users to wirelessly transfer multimedia content from computer into HDTV.
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LG D2500N-PN Full HD Display
Its new Full HD display from LG, which called LG D2500N-PN. This new 25-inch monitor by LG is support for Glasses-Free 3D content and webcam to track the user’s head movement. In additional, TriDef software is enabling to render 3D videos. Its will be available later this month and expected price of $1,920.
Origin PC EON17-X Powerful Gaming Laptop Starts at $3,159
Its new laptop by Origin PC, which provided for game lovers. The EON17-X, this Origin PC EON17-X powerful gaming laptop is able to better or match many desktop gaming solutions with high-end specifications.
The EON17-X by Origin PC boasts a six-core 3.3GHz Intel Core i7-3960X Extreme Edition processor (15MB Cache, 3.9GHz on Turbo Boosts), and 32GB of RAM. For storage, EON17-X notebook offers up to three drives (total capacity of up to 3TB hard drive or 1.5TB solid state drive).
The EON17-X by Origin PC boasts a six-core 3.3GHz Intel Core i7-3960X Extreme Edition processor (15MB Cache, 3.9GHz on Turbo Boosts), and 32GB of RAM. For storage, EON17-X notebook offers up to three drives (total capacity of up to 3TB hard drive or 1.5TB solid state drive).
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